
Switzerland Today

Swiss news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Swiss Minister Rösti on TV and Policy

Published: 2024-08-24

Albert Rösti, a Swiss Federal Councillor and head of the Department of Environment, Transport, Energy, and Communications, recently discussed his personal and professional life on a TV show.

Rösti, who has been in office for 802 days, shared his positive experiences in the role and the support he receives from his wife, Therese.

He emphasized the importance of mutual support and freedom in their 30-year marriage.

Rösti also addressed the reduction of the SRG broadcasting fees, a significant policy change he helped implement, and reassured viewers that program quality and audience numbers would guide future decisions.

Despite his busy schedule, Rösti enjoys watching informative programs like "Tagesschau" and "10vor10," and occasionally indulges in sports events like skiing and wrestling.