Published: 2024-12-24
Swiss snowboarder Sophie Hediger, 26, tragically lost her life in an avalanche in Arosa, Switzerland, on Monday.
The Olympian, who competed in Beijing 2022, was freeriding on a closed slope with a companion when the avalanche struck.
Despite rescue efforts, including search dogs and emergency teams, she was found lifeless under the snow.
Hediger had recently achieved her first World Cup podium finishes and was aiming for a medal at the upcoming World Championships in March.
Swiss-Ski expressed deep sorrow, calling her death a dark shadow over the holidays.
Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident, highlighting the risks of off-piste skiing amid high avalanche danger in the Alps.
Related articles in Swiss:
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Schweizer Snowboarderin Sophie Hediger ist bei einer Lawine in Arosa ums Leben gekommen
Schweizer Snowboarderin Hediger stirbt mit 26 Jahren bei Lawinenunglück
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Tragischer Todesfall: Snowboarderin Sophie Hediger stirbt bei Lawinenunglück
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