
Switzerland Today

Swiss news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Comedian's Home Dream Turns into Nightmare

Published: 2024-08-20

Swiss comedian Hazel Brugger and her husband Thomas Spitzer's dream of owning a home has turned into a nightmare due to significant construction defects.

Brugger took to Instagram to reveal the issues, including misplaced sockets, poorly plastered walls, and a light shaft blocking the entrance.

The couple is unable to fix these problems themselves due to contractual obligations with the construction company, Karl Kaffenberger, which has threatened legal action if the defects are publicized.

Despite the challenges, Brugger has received support and advice from her followers, and the couple is seeking a resolution.

The situation has also affected the company's reputation, with its Google rating dropping from five to 3.9 stars.

Brugger's candid sharing of her ordeal highlights the frustrations of dealing with construction mishaps and legal constraints.