
Switzerland Today

Swiss news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Switzerland Faces Immigration Challenges

Published: 2024-09-10

Switzerland is grappling with the challenges of immigration as its population approaches 10 million.

A recent survey by DemoSCOPE reveals that while the Swiss are generally open to immigration, there is growing concern over its impact on housing and infrastructure.

The survey, involving over 6,300 participants, indicates that 65% are worried about the country's rapid population growth.

Although a complete halt to immigration is not favored, with 61% opposing closed borders, there is significant support for regulated measures such as a points system and immigration fees.

The Swiss prioritize managing immigration over aggressive economic growth, reflecting a shift in public sentiment.

Despite the economic benefits brought by skilled immigrants, many Swiss feel they haven't personally benefited from recent economic growth.

The survey also highlights that while immigration is a pressing issue, the Swiss view challenges in healthcare, pensions, and energy supply as even more urgent.