
Switzerland Today

Swiss news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Swiss AHV Forecast Error Sparks Debate

Published: 2024-08-14

In a recent revelation, the Swiss Federal Office for Social Insurance admitted to a significant miscalculation in the financial projections for the AHV, Switzerland's social security system.

The error, attributed to two faulty formulas, resulted in an overestimation of the deficit by several billion francs.

This has sparked political debate, with calls for a re-evaluation of the recent vote on raising the retirement age for women.

Critics argue that the miscalculation undermines the credibility of official forecasts, prompting discussions on implementing a debt brake for the AHV to ensure financial stability.

Meanwhile, the Federal Roads Office faces scrutiny over its optimistic projections for a highway expansion project, with concerns that the economic benefits have been overstated.

As the government works to correct these errors, the political landscape is rife with demands for transparency and accountability in financial forecasting.